Join our community where coffee fosters connections that might otherwise be impossible. Coffee is just coffee, but when it's enjoyed with a transparent understanding of what it took for these beans to reach your cup, a desire for justice, a heart of creativity, and a sense of joy - bonds are forged that transcend distance and difference.

Explore the uniqueness of Yunnan!

From traditional washed process to the funky deliciousness of double anaerobic!

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Torch Coffee Company is a coffee supply chain company focused on quality, consistency and relational excellence. Over the past decade, we’ve grown from a small coffee training company in SE Asia to operate today in China, Saudi Arabia, Guatemala, the United States
and Kenya. This growing geographic diversity has been accompanied with a growing complexity of operations in the specialty coffee
supply chain including training, sourcing, growing/processing, export, roasting and cafe operations. There is much to be done and much to learn, but we believe that good can be established through specialty coffee.

Will you join us?